Services ​
We run a Fully Management Payroll service tailored to all our client needs.
Our system integrates the processing of PAYE and Pension into one to help our clients comply with their legal obligations.
Our service is available to clients of all sizes of any business sector.
Services we provide includes:
1. Paye
Running PAYE on a weekly, fortnightly, 4-weekly or monthly basis.
Dealing with tax, NIC, SSP, SMP, SPP, SAP, and student loans.
Acting as employers agent to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
Issuing of both traditional payslips and e-payslips.
Issuing of P45s & P60sOnline submission of tax documents to HMRC in RTI (Real Time Information).
Online submission of Year-End documents.
Claiming Employment Allowance and/or CIS suffered back from HMRC
2. Workplace Pension (Automatic Enrolment)
Liaising with The Pension Regulator and Pension Providers on behalf of clients.
Setting up and enrolling the employee into a workplace pension scheme.
Assessing workforce to determine qualification.
Dealing with opting in and opting out of pension scheme.
Keeping RecordsReports
3. Reports
Issuing reports